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Je demokracija nuklearna?

Osnova za diskusijo evropskih protijedrskih gibanj v SC Rog, ki bo v četrtek, 26. maja ob 18. uri.

Is democracy nuclear?

The debate in nuclear energy involves a lot of technicalities. However, although far from being of secondary importance, the risk is that other fundamental topics are locked in the background, if not hidden at all.

There is a deep and tight link between the primary source of energy we choose and the democracy we build. Talking about energy, is talking about the future we want do draw, the social organization, the production and the scope of it.

Relaying on a energetic paradigm where the source are exhaustible and extremely geo-localized, inevitably means to organize to make the war. Relaying to a extremely concentrated production and distribution of energy - in a full market regime, moreover - leads inevitably to exert a tight and strong control on the social organization and in the final use of the energy. The result is that the freedom of choice and thepossibility of acting on global and local policies is strongly reduced.

To what extent do we really choose to cause the climate changes, to saturate our ecosystem with extremely toxic compounds, to make the war in order to provide us with energy?

What if we would like not to, instead? What if we would like to re-start thinking of the future in order to re-design it staring from a simple first principle: we want to "stayhuman". We want the the energy - i.e. the chance to live, to act, to organize and access the common goods needed by life - is itself a common good which free availability for all is its right?

That is the debate today, far from just technicalities.

After all, is quite easy to show, using the IAEA and WNA data, that making energy out of nuclear fission is not a viable and rationale option. It might ensure few percent of world energy for very few years before to fully deplete the Uranium which we know to be there (actually, that *they* - the producers of Uranium and nuclear power plants - claim to be there, even accounting for that classified as "undiscovered" and not taking into account the fact that most of it would require enormous amount of energy to be mined and processed). Nuclear power plants bring a number of concerns and risks - isn’t it a matter of democracy to discuss collectively the risk issues? - and the nuclear waste, whose treatment is still an unresolved problem, overshadow a time range which is hundred times longer than the history of human civilizations.

Is it worth to take that responsibility for a fistful of kW for few years, without actually significantly reduce the CO2 emissions?

Shall we learn to provide viable solution first and then to create the problems?

Democracy is, at least, discuss all this topics, and many more.

As the Spanish people are saying right now, we want more true democracy

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