Univerza za nepodredljive vede

Liberation Without Borders Tour (Day 3)

Today, the Liberation without borders tour continued its activites in political research regarding post-insurectional Tunisia. The delegation organized itself into smaller working groups in order to follow multiple initiatives that took place simultaneously this morning.

One of these was a delegation from the NoBorder groups that visited a self-organized support center that gathers materials to provide to incoming Libyian refugees.

While a small crew armed with video cameras went to conduct interviews with prominent figures of the revolutionary movement who are now forced to maintain a low profile due to sweeping police repression, others participated in a rally organized in solidarity with the Palestinaian people. This latter occasion provided a rich mix of Maghreb and Middle Eastern collectives Who have been working on multiple social and political issues over the past decade. Here, speaking with this panorama of perspectives we were able to collect different points of view on the current developments on a transnational scale.

Intersting exchanges were observed between the more traditionally organized political parties and groups. While - interestingly enough - the younger participants took relatively little interest in these debates.

What we are seeing on a general level is the separation and growing disinterest of the youth for more traditional political representations. On one hand, most political parties are calling for the normalization and order of "post-revolutionary" civil society. On the other hand, as a few students commented at the margins of this rally, the political reorganisation of Tunisia for them is a merely technical question and the people who were at the core of the effort to topple Ben Ali’s regime are ready to do the same again if the next goverment is deemed unsatisfactory. The echo of the 2001 Argentinian slogan ’que se vayan todos’ can be heard in their willing for the possibility of continual and permanent mobilization.

Another component of the Liberation Without Borders Tour met with Haithem Ben Farhat, a documentariest who is currently putting together a project based on interviews with young school children around the topic of the Tunisian revolution.

In the early afternoon, an exursion into a neighbouring afluent city was made in order to gather materials and and perspectives from members of the upper-class of Tunisian society regarding the changes seen over the last few months. Generally speaking, merchants and wealthy citizens were content to see Ben Ali’s departure but mostly from an economic and commercial point of view. They told of secret police and mafia-like oppression what was excersized under the previous regime. Thus, while their interpretation of the revolution was limited to a neoliberal economic perspective, they too had passively supported the latest governmental change.

Later in the afternoon, an intersting and organizationally useful meeting was held with the activists of the NoBorder Network, where the relationship between the mobile political subject that was responsible for animating the recent events here and issues of migration and transnational solidarity were confronted and elaborated.

Tomorrow, a plurality of meetings is scheduled, with a series of groups, associations and organizations in the morning hours. Later, an organizational meeting is planned with various acitivist groups toward the construction of a transnational meeting this fall. Stay tuned...

Knowledge Liberation Front, 15 may 2011, Tunis

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