IWW - Nevidni delavci sveta

PETICIJA: Sedmi dan odločnega delavskega boja v Luki Koper pozivamo organizacije in posameznike ter posameznice iz civilne družbe k odločni solidarnosti

(PETITION: On the 7th day of the determined workers struggle in Luka Koper (Port of Koper) we appeal to all organizations and individuals from civil society to express solidarity! - english version bellow)

Stavka Sindikata žerjavistov pomorskih dejavnosti in protestna prekinitev dela delavcev zaposlenih pri IPS v Luki Koper poteka sedmi dan. Dovolj časa, da ni več mogoče spregledati prelomnosti luške delavske akcije in njenih posledic za delavsko gibanje. Stavka in protestna prekinitev dela sta dosegli prelomno točko in ta epizoda industrijskega konflikta lahko pomeni nov zalet delavskemu gibanju, ki išče odgovor na vprašanje, kako obrniti trend umikanja in izgubljanja delavskih ter socialnih pravic. Zato se obračamo na civilno družbene organizacije in posameznike ter posameznice s pozivom, da izrazijo solidarnost z vsemi stavkajočimi, tako z delavci, ki so zaposleni pri Luki Koper kot z delavci, ki so zaposleni pri podizvajalcih.

Uprava Luke Koper ni preklicala grožnje z odpustitvijo 23 članov stavkovnega odbora, prav tako ni prekinila postopkov za prekinitev njihovih delovnih razmerij. Uprava se tudi ni odrekla poskusom kriminalizacije stavke Sindikata žerjavistov. To je napad na svobodo sindikalnega organiziranja. Delavci, ki so zaposleni pri izvajalcih pristaniških storitev in so zaradi izjemno slabega položaja in sistematičnega kršenja delavskih pravic protestno prekinili delo in že sedmi dan protestirajo pred vhodom v Luko Koper, so še vedno podvrženi grožnjam svojih delodajalcev, nekatere pa so celo odpustili. Legitimnost tega protesta je nesporna, grožnje in sankcije proti delavcem, ki so udeleženi v protestu, pa so prav tako napad na svobodo delavskega organiziranja.

V Luki Koper potekata dva boja, boj žerjavistov, ki so zaposleni pri Luki Koper in boj najemnih delavcev, ki so zaposleni pri zunanjih izvajalcih pristaniških storitev. In vendar je to skupni delavski boj in usoda enega je neločljivo povezana z usodo drugega. Kot so delavci medsebojno povezani in odvisni drug od drugega v proizvodnem procesu v pristanišču, kot so pravice zaposlenih pri Luki odvisne od pravic delavcev, zaposlenih pri IPS in obratno, je uspeh boja „garantiranih“ delavcev odvisen od uspeha boja prekernih delavcev in obratno. Varnost, ki je najbolj izpostavljeno vprašanje v industrijskem konfliktu v Luki Koper, je izraz te vzajemnosti in povezanosti. Zaradi neoliberalnega upravljanja, ki prenaša stroške fleksibilnosti na pleča delavcev, kuje profite z nenehnim zmanjševanjem stroškov dela in v tekmi proti dnu segmentira trg dela ter poglablja neenakosti, je postala Luka Koper nevarna vsakemu delavcu.

Tako žerjavisti kot delavci pri IPS zahtevajo varno delovno okolje in zato enako plačilo za enako delo, enake pravice za vse delavce in konec vse bolj pogubnih delitev in segmentacije. V delavskem organiziranju in vsakdanjih medsebojnih stikih so zgradili solidarnost, ki presega ločnice, ki zamejujejo hierarhične segmente trga dela. Zato je izkušnja delavskega boja v Luki Koper neprecenljiva in celo zgodovinska. Z njo je delavsko gibanje dobilo model delovanja, ki se lahko učinkovito zoperstavi eroziji delavskih pravic. Žerjavisti in delavci IPS rabijo čim več solidarnosti. Izrazimo jo, saj gre za naše skupno upanje.

IWW (Nevidni delavci sveta)

Socialni center Rog

(Izjavo solidarnosti lahko podpišete spodaj. Ne pozabite potrditi podpisa na mailu, ki ste ga vnesli.)

PETITION: On the 7th day of the determined workers struggle in Luka Koper (Port of Koper) we appeal to all organizations and individuals from civil society to express solidarity!

The strike of the Union of Crane Operators and the protest of subcontracting workers of Luka Koper, which also stopped with all labor activity, is turning into its seventh day. Long enough to claim that it is no longer possible to ignore the groundbreaking dimension of the port labor action and its consequences for the whole labor movement. The strike and the protest suspension of work have reached a turning point and this episode of industrial conflict can present a new momentum for the workers movement, that is in search for the possibilities to overturn the trend of retreat and loss of workers and social rights. For this reason we turn to all civil society organizations and individuals with a call for solidarity with all the workers on strike, with those, employed directly by Luka Koper as well as with workers, hired through the port’s subcontractors.

The management of the port still threatens with the dismissal of all of the 23 members of the strike committee and continues with the procedures for the suspension of their work contracts. It is tireless in its attempts to criminalize the strike of the Union of Crane Operators. This is an attack on the freedom of union organizing. Workers, employed by port subcontractors, have suspended their work in a protest against their extreme exploitation and systematic denial of their rights. They insist in front of the entrance into the port for the seventh day (and night) in a row. They are continuously threatened by their employers, some of them were even sacked. Legitimacy of this protest is beyond any doubt. The threats and sanctions against these workers in protest are also an attack on the freedom of labor organizing.

There are two struggles in port of Koper, the struggle of crane operators, employed by Luka Koper and the struggle of subcontracting workers, employed by external providers of port services. And yet, this is a common labor struggle and the destiny of one is inseparable from the destiny of the other. In this mutuality, when workers depend on each other in the production process of the port, when the rights of the workers, employed by the port, depend from the rights of the subcontracting workers and vice versa, the success of the "guaranteed" workers depends on the success of the precarious workers and vice versa. Safety, the most exposed topic in the industrial conflict in the port of Koper, is a reflection of this mutuality and interdependency. Neoliberal management that transfers the costs of flexibility on the backs of the workers, forges profit with constant reduction of the cost of labor and in accordance with the "race to the bottom" principle segments the labor market and deepens inequalities, has become a menace to all the workers.

Crane operators and subcontracting workers demand a safe working environment, equal pay for equivalent work, equal rights for all workers and the end of fatal divisions and segmentations. Through labor organizing and constant communication they have constructed a solidarity beyond divisions that mark hierarchical segments of the labor market. And that is why this experience of labor struggle in Luka Koper is priceless and even historical. It provides a role model for an active and efficient response of the labor movement against the erosion of workers rights. Crane operators and subcontracting workers deserve solidarity. They are our common hope, let’s express it together!

IWW (Invisible Workers of the World)

Socialni center Rog

(You can sign your statement of solidarity bellow. Do not forget to confirm your signature on the e-mail that you will provide.)

Personal identifiers

262 Signatures

Date Name
9 January 2012 Trading
20 August 2011 Biba Gregory
18 August 2011 Maša Martić
14 August 2011 Emsud Šabić - emso
11 August 2011 Taja Zorman
10 August 2011 damjan
9 August 2011 Ursa
8 August 2011 Tanja Petrović
8 August 2011 Ketrn
8 August 2011 Lenka
8 August 2011 Goran Mance
8 August 2011 Franci Zlatar
8 August 2011 Urška P. Černe
8 August 2011 NATASA SUKIC
8 August 2011 Jana Bolčič
8 August 2011 LGBTQI Amnesty Slovenije
8 August 2011 Polona / Jaunik
7 August 2011 Jasminka Dedic
7 August 2011 janko Belin
7 August 2011 Jože
7 August 2011 sabina pangeršič
7 August 2011 Klara Otorepec
6 August 2011 Davidoff
6 August 2011 Robert Bobnič
6 August 2011 Peter Kralj
6 August 2011 Ana Kralj
6 August 2011 Loup ABRAMOVICI
6 August 2011 reba teja
6 August 2011 Anita Misic
6 August 2011 Urška Vidmar
6 August 2011 Ljubo Grgurević
6 August 2011 Nina Froggatt
5 August 2011 Darko Štrajn
5 August 2011 Iztok Jurančič,novinar
5 August 2011 anuška
5 August 2011 Aleš B.
5 August 2011 Polona Vida
5 August 2011 Piksi
5 August 2011 Alen Cerovac
5 August 2011 Uršula Lipovec Čebron
5 August 2011 Luka M.
5 August 2011 Rok Končina
5 August 2011 Polona Zupan
5 August 2011 Marija Mahkovec
5 August 2011 Tina Širec Džodan
5 August 2011 marko karlovčec
5 August 2011 Kristina Toplak
5 August 2011 Aleksandra
5 August 2011 Natalija Vrečer
5 August 2011 Irena Vrhovnik
5 August 2011 Ajda Krajnc
5 August 2011 klemen jelinčič boeta
5 August 2011 tatjana
5 August 2011 Miroslav Šibilja
5 August 2011 srećko pulig
5 August 2011 Aleksander Trkovnik
5 August 2011 Damir
5 August 2011 Tone Vrhovnik Straka
5 August 2011 Boštjan Nedoh
5 August 2011 Alenka Kovač
5 August 2011 Neli Rožič
5 August 2011 Maja Lavtižar
5 August 2011 Blaž Babnik
5 August 2011 Dean Komel
5 August 2011 Bernarda
5 August 2011 Tanja Velagić
5 August 2011 Matic Primc
5 August 2011 Vasja Progar
5 August 2011 Ignac Kofol
5 August 2011 Irena Špendl
5 August 2011 Vesna Leskošek
5 August 2011 Anja Rožnik
5 August 2011 Bojana Piškur
5 August 2011 Jernej Rovšek
5 August 2011 anja šumah
5 August 2011 Marina Grzinic
5 August 2011 Rajko Muršič
5 August 2011 Mojca Kovačič
5 August 2011 Boris Vezjak, FF MB
5 August 2011 Roman Maurer
5 August 2011 Jelka Zorn
5 August 2011 Meta Krese
5 August 2011 Armin Salihović
5 August 2011 srbija
5 August 2011 Monika Kropej
5 August 2011 Ana Pavlišič
5 August 2011 Andreja Kadiš
5 August 2011 Mitja Blažič, aktivist človekove pravice LGBT, novinar
5 August 2011 Mitja Velikonja
5 August 2011 lorna lovrečič
5 August 2011 Brigita Petek
5 August 2011 katja
5 August 2011 Blaž Mihelič
5 August 2011 Veronika Ivančević
5 August 2011 Tina Lužar
5 August 2011 Mira Berginc
5 August 2011 Neda Bezjak
5 August 2011 dare čekeliš
5 August 2011 Uroš Rok Drnovšek
5 August 2011 Permanentna akcija
4 August 2011 Katja Kobolt
4 August 2011 Matko
4 August 2011 Saša Z.
4 August 2011 Slobodan Malić
4 August 2011 Anja
4 August 2011 Tomaž Gregorc
4 August 2011 Tadej Fabčič
4 August 2011 Simona Bergoč
4 August 2011 Ivica Šćepanović
4 August 2011 Vasja Simić
4 August 2011 Eva
4 August 2011 aleksandra
4 August 2011 Daniel Troha
4 August 2011 Sašo Slaček
4 August 2011 Neza CL
4 August 2011 anja
4 August 2011 Danijela Zajc
4 August 2011 Dražen Crnomat site web
4 August 2011 Tanja Pecek
4 August 2011 Urša Vavpotič
4 August 2011 Erik Božič site web
4 August 2011 Judita Corn
4 August 2011 Si
4 August 2011 blaz
4 August 2011 johanna
4 August 2011 Renata
4 August 2011 Andriana Brčina
4 August 2011 Mirjana Bužanin
4 August 2011 Janja Rižnar
4 August 2011 Andrej Škufca
4 August 2011 Primož Časl
4 August 2011 Helena M. Kolka
4 August 2011 Eva Podlogar
4 August 2011 Vita Žgur
4 August 2011 Žiga Šmidovnik
4 August 2011 Franci Iskra
4 August 2011 nejc bahor
4 August 2011 maja kohek
4 August 2011 Polona Germ
4 August 2011 Mateja Visenjak
4 August 2011 nologo4 Koper
4 August 2011 Tjaša Pogačar
4 August 2011 Katja Praznik
4 August 2011 Mateja Tolazzi
4 August 2011 Tomo
4 August 2011 Maksimiljana Ipavec
4 August 2011 Nataša Oven
4 August 2011 Tanja
4 August 2011 Marko Rusjan
4 August 2011 Mateja Kar Dcosta

0 | 150


1 Message

  1. PETICIJA: Sedmi dan odločnega delavskega boja v Luki Koper pozivamo organizacije in posameznike ter posameznice iz civilne družbe k odločni solidarnosti

    Sindikat žerjavistov pomorskih dejavnosti in delavci IPS, ki so organizirani v Sindikat izvajalcev pristaniških storitev, so pozno ponoči po doseženem dogovoru z Upravo Luke Koper in podizvajalci prekinili stavko. Hvala vsem za podporo!

    by blanco | 6 August 2011, 10:36