Svet za vsakogar

Petition for the establishment of a bus stop in the neighbourhood of the Asylum Dom

The situation in this quarter is worrying : in a peri-urban area where the road traffic is important, public means of transportation are under-developed, preventing many people of the neighbourhood to access to the city centre easily.

The lack of an accessible means of transportation in this neighbourhood hampers the possibility for the inhabitants to communicate and join together the social life of the city, to stir up and develop network of social relationship, in contradiction to article 20 of the European Charter for the safeguarding of Human rights in the City undersigned by the mayor of Ljubljana. This article provides for a “right to circulation (…) in the city”. More specifically, “the local authorities recognise the right of the citizens to have available a means of transport compatible with tranquillity in the city. To this end, they develop public transport accessible to all following a plan of urban and inter-urban movements.”(art XX,2°). It also states that “the signatory cities undertake to set aside resources for the necessary infrastructures to make these rights effective, where applicable having recourse to forms of financial cooperation between public entities, private business and general society” (art XX, 3°).

These inhabitants are clearly not in a position to take part in the city life, especially when they have no means to own an individual means of transport. Moreover, there are more than a hundred asylum seekers residing in this area. The incapacity for them to circulate freely reinforces the idea that they are second zone citizens to which any possibility to “integrate” in the Slovene society is denied, undermining the efforts undertaken by the authorities to facilitate this integration. Through this petition we ask for a new bus stop in this area which would allow every user of public transports to be equal before the public services. We emphasize the authorities should undertake immediate measures aiming at providing this service to the population.

Svet za vsakogar