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Aigul has written 3 posts for NJETWORK

Immigration Detention: We need to challenge routinisation of migrant imprisonment

Virginie Semedo studied human rights law at the University of Aix-Marseille (France). She has worked as an intern in the French Courts helping to review asylum applications. She has also worked with the migrants’ rights organisation, La Cimade, and has been particularly concerned with the position of detained migrants. The UK is often seen by other (...)

United we jump!

Vabljeni v Socialni center Rog na drugi event UNITED WE JUMP! v seriji glasbenih dogodkov z naslovom (V)alter fešta - Bremsen los! Sporočilo od DJ-jev: "...mi pa je uspelo zbrati prav sočen glasbeni program, tako da vas bomo lahko malo razvajali. pogovarjali smo se, da bi vrteli nek dinamičen mix progressive housa, electra, minimala in techa, torej (...)

Izjava borca za svobodo gibanja in karavana gibanja Svet za vsakogar na FDV