Obranimo avtonomen Rog!

Pismo podpore Rogu: Evropski poslanci županu Ljubljane

To the attention of the Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Jankovic

Object: The ROG social centre

Honourable Mr. Mayor,

In the beginning of March, at the occasion of Slovene presidency, the GUE/NGL political group at the European Parliament organised his study days in Ljubljana. Among many questions dealt during these days, our group visited the former bicycle’s factory, currently hosting the ROG social centre.

In our perception, the reality of ROG centre is in line with many other experiences spread all over Europe, where creativity, event’s self production, cultural and social activities meet with the contest of contemporary European cities, contributing to the creation of "independent spaces", a social enriching practise.

Direct knowledge of similar experiences in Italy, Germany, Greece, Spain shows that a straight and clear dialogue with local institutions creates positive effects, both for the institutions themselves and for the whole population. The existence of plural and independent spaces represents a value for European democracy; their promotion should be an objective of the formal and informal politics, by including this question in all practises at every level.

We therefore believe the experience of ROG centre should be preserved. The only mean to attain this goal is a real and clear confrontation with Ljubljana’s local authority. The ROG centre’s shutting down will be a negative fact and would determine a damage not only for city of Ljubljana, but also for all Europe.

As Members of the European Parliament, we will continue constantly to monitor the situation of the ROG centre, and we’ll promote every possible step aiming at promoting an open dialogue and the successful solution of the whole question.

Best Regards,

MEP Francis Wurtz, Chairman of GUE/NGL Parliamentary group

MEP Luisa Morgantini, Vice-President of the European Parliament

MEP Giusto Catania, Vice-chairman of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

MEP Roberto Musacchio, Head of the Party of Communist Refoundation’s delegation at the European Parliament

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1 Message

  1. Pismo podpore Rogu: Evropski poslanci županu Ljubljane (slovenski prevod)

    Županu Ljubljane, g. Zoranu Jankoviću

    Zadeva: Socialni center v Rogu

    Spoštovani g. župan,

    V začetku meseca marca smo poslanci Evropskega parlamenta iz poslanske skupine GUE / NGL organizirali študijske dneve v Ljubljani. Ti so bili organizirani ob priložnosti slovenskega predsedovanja EU. Med mnogimi vprašanji, ki smo se jih v teh dneh dotaknili, je naša skupina obiskala tudi nekdanjo tovarno koles, ki trenutno gosti socialni center v Rogu.

    Po našem mnenju, je realnost centra v Rogu uglašena z mnogimi drugimi izkušnjami, posejanimi po celotni Evropi, kjer se kreativnost, samoprodukcija dogodkov, kulturnih in socialnih aktivnosti srečuje z neodobravanjem v sodobnih evropskih mestih, prispevajoč h kreaciji “neodvisnih prostorov” in ostalih praks, ki bogatijo družbo.

    Iz neposrednega vedenja o podobnih izkušnjah v Italiji, Nemčiji, Grčiji, Španiji izhaja, da odkrit in jasen dialog z lokalnimi institucijami ustvarja pozitiven učinek, tako za same institucije, kot za celotno populacijo. Obstoj pluralnih in avtonomnih prostorov predstavlja vrednoto evropske demokracije; promocija le-teh pa bi morala biti predmet formalnih in neformalnih politik, ki bi vključevale to vprašanje v vse prakse na vseh nivojih.

    Zatorej smo prepričani, da bi morala biti izkušnja Roga ohranjena. Edini način za dosego tega cilja je dejansko in jasno soočenje z ljubljanskimi mestnimi oblastmi. Zaprtje centra Rog bi bilo negativno dejanje in bi povzročilo škodo ne le mestu Ljubljana, ampak tudi Evropi nasploh.

    Kot poslanci Evropskega parlamenta bomo še naprej skrbno spremljali situacijo v Rogu. Ravno tako bomo podprli vsak možen korak, ki si prizadeva za odprt dialog in uspešno rešitev problema.

    S spoštljivimi pozdravi,

    MEP Francis Wurtz, Chairman of GUE/NGL Parliamentary group
    MEP Luisa Morgantini, Vice-President of the European Parliament
    MEP Giusto Catania, Vice-chairman of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
    MEP Roberto Musacchio, Head of the Party of Communist Refoundation’s delegation at the European Parliament

    | 7 April 2008, 17:41

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Obranimo avtonomen Rog!