Obranimo avtonomen Rog!

Poziv k podpisu podpore avtonomni, svobodni in samoupravni uporabi nekdanje tovarne Rog! Appeal for signing the support for the autonomous, free and in self-managing use of former Rog factory!

Tovarna Rog, četrtek, 20. marec ob 22.30. Ljubljanski župan Zoran Janković se odloči za nepričakovan obisk. Uporabnikom, ki so tedaj v Rogu, sporoči, da bo v pol ure odredil izpraznitev in zapečatenje Roga. Na vprašanje, kaj je povod njegove odločitve, odgovori, da so uporabniki kršili dogovor z MOL, da nihče ne sme bivati v tovarni. Vzrok njegove odločitve naj bi bilo gostovanje »Bratov svobode«, nemškega srednjeveškega rokodelskega ceha, ki ima ta vikend kongres v Rogu. Gre za staro združenje, katerega absolventi morajo za pridobitev obrtnega certifikata v različnih krajih več mesecev s svojim delom prispevati k javnemu dobru in so zaradi svojega plemenitega poslanstva z dobrodošlico sprejeti povsod po Evropi. Ker je gostovanje tovrstnih skupnosti v skladu s poslanstvom odprtega Roga, je županova zahteva, da jim uporabniki in uporabnice Roga odrečemo gostoljubje, nemogoča.

Rog proti Bratom svobode ne bo postavil zidov. Proti njim ne bo naščuval varnostne službe ali policistov. Svet zidov, varnostnih služb, izključevanj in diskriminacije je svet župana Jankovića. Rog je drugačen svet. V njem so mnogi končno našli prostor, kjer se lahko svobodno izražajo. Mnogi so v njem našli dostojanstvo in vrednost svojega življenja. Torej vse tisto, kar jim svet župana Jankovića odreka. O tem priča bogat program, izjemna bera dogodkov in izjemna družbena angažiranost Roga, o čemer se je mogoče prepričati na spletnih straneh www.tovarna.org in www.njetwork.org.

Napad župana Jankovića na Rog je obenem simbolen in realen. Formalen vzok izbruha samovolje in avtoritarnosti je gostovanje Bratov svobode. Resničen razlog pa je sovraštvo do vseh oblik ustvarjalnega življenja, ki aktivno zavračajo, da bi se podredile oblasti podjetja MOL - podjetja, v katerem peščica samovoljnih in avtoritarnih mogočnežev tepta svobodo izražanja, človekovo dostojanstvo in raznolikost. Gre za načrtno uničevanje redkih možnosti avtonomnega in samodoločnega delovanja posameznikov in skupin, ki zavračajo, da se dela zgolj tisto, kar od njih pričakuje hegemonski model organizacije družbenega življenja. Za menedžersko ideologijo mestnih oblasti je že sam obstoj tovrstne možnosti drugačnega ustvarjanja problematičen.

Zato je pomembno, da podprete svobodno, samoupravno in avtonomno uporabo prostorov Roga. Uprite se zoper uničenje enega redkih prostorov, v katerem so mogoče drugačne oblike skupnega delovanja in življenja. S svojim podpisom in drugimi oblikami podpore sporočite, da to mesto, ta dužba in ta svet potrebujejo prostore, kakršen je Rog.

Podporo lahko v obliki podpisa peticije izazite tukaj. Prosimo vas tudi, da na županov elektronski naslov (zoran.jankovic@ljubljana.si) in na njegov faks (013061214) pošiljate sporočila podpore Rogu.

Appeal for signing the support for the autonomous, free and in self-managing use of former Rog factory!

Rog factory, Thursday, 20th of March 22.30 Mayor of city of Ljubljana Zoran Janković decides to make an unexpected visit. He notifies the people in Rog that in 30 minutes he will order the evacuation and sealing of Rog. Upon being asked what the reason for his decision was he said that the users broke the agreement with The Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL) which states that no one was to live in the factory. The reason for his decision was supposed to be the hosting of »Brothers of freedom«, a German medieval craftsman guild, which is holding a congress this weekend in Rog. It is an old association, whose graduates acquire a trade certificate after they contribute to the public benefit in various cities for several months with their work and are welcome everywhere in Europe because of their noble mission. As hosting such a collective is in accordance with the mission of openness of Rog, the Mayor’s demand that Rog denies them the hospitality is simply impossible.

Rog will build no walls for the »Brothers of freedom«. It will not instigate Security or police against them. The world of walls, security services , exclusions and discrimination is the world of Mayor Janković. Rog is a different world. Many have finally found a place in it where they can express themselves freely. Many have found in it the dignity and value of their life. Everything, that the world of Major Janković wants to deny them. A rich programme, an exceptional ammount of events and an incredible social engagement of Rog is a testimony to all this, which can all be seen on the websites www.tovarna.org and www.njetwork.org.

Mayor Janković’s assault on Rog is simultaneously symbolic and real. The formal reason for this outburst of self-will and authoritarianism is hosting the »Brothers of freedom«. The real reason however is the hatred towards all forms of creative existence that are actively rejecting the subordination to the authority of »Municipality of Ljubljana » - a company, in which a handful of arbitrary and authoritarian Moguls is trampling the freedom of expression, human dignity and diversity. It is about the methodical destroying of those rare possibilities of autonomous and self-defined activities of individuals and groups that reject to do just what the hegemonic model of organised social life expects them to do. For the managerial ideology of the municipal authorities the sole existance of such possibilities of different creativeness is already problematical.

Therefor it is important, that you support the free, self-managed and autonomous use of Rog. Oppose the destruction of one of the rare places in which different forms of collective activity and life are possible. With your signing and other forms of support you will be sending out a message that this city, this society and this world needs places like Rog.

We also ask you to send your messages of support for Rog to the Mayor’s email and fax number. Mayor Jankovic’s contacts are mail: zoran.jankovic@ljubljana.si, fax: 013061214.

Obranimo avtonomen Rog!