Tutti Frutti Cinema

The Battle Of Algiers

Thursday, February 14h at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana)

The Battle Of Algiers follows the narrative of the insurgency to liberate Algeria from French colonial rule. Seen from the French and Algerian perspective and using real footage of the struggle, the film explores the complexities of this uprising and the bloody repression that followed. So who needs valentines when you can have an insurgency? Join us at the Social Center Rog for the first Tutti Frutti of 2013.

The Film is in French and Arabic with subtitles.

See online : Facebook event


Tutti Frutti is more than just a movie night. It is the opportunity to watch films in an autonomous space, rejecting the high costs and sterile atmosphere of private cinemas. It is an open community moment when we express our desire to do things differently, to escape the regime of copyright, to defeat initiatives like ACTA on our own terrain and to enjoy ourselves in the process. We watch the films we want to see.

Tutti Frutti Cinema